Learn to line dance on February 13th, from 7:00-10:00pm. Located in the Grand Hall at MNHHC. $20 pre-sale, $25 at the door.

Line Dancing

February 13th | 7:00pm-10:00pm

$20 Per Ticket Presale | $25 At Door

Ticket includes one free drink

Kick up your heels and join us at the MN Horse and Hunt Club to learn how to line dance! Perfect for beginners & seasoned dancers. Your ticket includes one drink, so grab your cowboy boots and get ready to two-step!

Purchase Your Tickets:

Ticket pre-sales are now closed. To attend this event, please purchase your tickets at the door. Thank you.

Notice: Tickets are non refundable. Tickets may sell out. No guarantee of ticket sales at the door.