Sporting Clay League

Clay Leagues

Join us the week of April 21st through the week of August 24th for Minnesota Horse and Hunt Sporting Clay League 2025!

Heated 5-Stand Winter Clay League Banquet April 1st, 2025

Fall League Registration Now Open – Secure Your Spot Today!

What Is Sporting Clay League?

League shooting is a great way to improve your skills, have fun and enjoy the company of like minded outdoors men & women. Sporting Clay League consists of 15 weeks of shooting 50 target round per week, using our sporting clay courses. The handicapped scoring system means that everyone can contribute regardless of their skill levels.

Sporting Clay League begins the week of April, 21st 2025  

New to League?

Join us April 8th at 5:30pm for an informational mixer with appetizers!

  • We will go over general information about the league
  • Answer any questions you might have
  • Help pair anyone looking for a team

New teams and shooters looking for a team are highly encouraged to attend this open house. Come meet other shooters and learn about the league.

Questions? Call: (952) 447-2272


One time league fee of $20.

League play consists of one round per week, each round consisting of 50 targets for 15 weeks. Save $1 per round by purchasing a prepaid 15 round punch card – Plus the punch card will expedite your check-in every week.

Sporting Clay Memberships

The price of a Sport Clay Membership is $229/year plus tax. Memberships benefits include member pricing on all clay target games (Sporting Clay, Trap, Skeet, 5-Stand, & FITASC) year-round, 10% discount of food at Trigger’s and 10% off items in the Pro-Shop.


A minimum of 5 shooters is required to make a team and a maximum of 15. Team scores take the 5 highest shooters, including handicap, for a weekly total. Non-league members are allowed to shoot with teams, but only scores shot by shooters on the team roster will be posted in the League Book. 

Team Captains:

Team Captains are responsible for:

  • Pre-register Team
    • Captains will receive a free round of clays if roster and must turn in the league team fees.
  • Register 1st Night of League
    • If you choose to wait and register on the first night of shooting, please send us an email stating day, time, and team name to get signed up.
  • If needed, modifying rosters before the cutoff date
  • Entering the scores into the League Book. 


Handicaps are calculated by using the shooter’s average score, then subtracting it from “par”, which is 43, and multiplying the difference by 70%.

For example: if a shooter’s average score is 30, the equation is 43-30+13x.7+ 9.1. The product (9.1) will be added to the shooters score. Handicaps are adjusted every week. Maximum score with a handicap is 43. All shooters are handicapped.

League Banquet:

Last year, we had 400 people at the banquet – it was a ton of fun! Awards are given to teams that place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in classes AAA, AA, A, B, & C. Multiple additional prizes given away by random drawing to teams and league shooters who complete all 15 weeks of shooting.